17-07-27 11:19 | python 2 R
17-07-08 15:17 | px :: Plotly express
17-07-08 14:23 | go :: Graph Objects
17-07-07 10:56 | Manifold Hypothesis
17-07-07 10:54 | PCA 의 기본
17-07-04 16:21 | 통계의 함정
17-07-04 01:22 | ShinyDashboard vs. flexDashboard
17-07-03 13:54 | tensorflow :: 기본 예제
17-07-01 11:09 | data.table join(merge)
17-07-01 00:21 | data.table |C|R|U|D |group by
17-07-01 00:12 | data.table intro
17-06-18 10:58 | Ninja Presentation
17-06-16 17:31 | 4. Model :: intro
17-06-15 03:35 | Iteration with map
17-06-14 17:21 | Program :: Iteration with loop
17-06-14 15:10 | 3. Program :: intro