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- Book :: Machine Learning . 03-15-2017, 4:43pm - books
- book :: Pattern Classification . 03-15-2017, 9:15am - books
- Private: hibernate . 03-11-2017, 11:03pm - Ubuntu
- Error :: requires numeric/complex matrix/vector arguments . 03-10-2017, 9:48am - R Basic
- Private: 선형대수 밝히리- Matrix응용 . 07-02-2016, 6:28pm - Statistics
- Private: determinant . 07-02-2016, 3:22pm - Statistics
- wmctrl . 03-04-2017, 5:53pm - Ubuntu
- 화면 분할 – Tiling window manager . 03-04-2017, 2:16pm - Ubuntu
- Private: BOOK:: Statistical_Qualty_Control.pdf . 11-17-2016, 9:47pm - books
- elementary OS:: setting – Desktop . 09-11-2016, 8:32pm - Ubuntu
- Private: ESL :: 2.3 Two Simple Approaches to Prediction: Least Squares and Nearest Neighbors . 12-28-2016, 5:02pm - book:ESL
- Private: hands on 손에 잡히는 R… . 01-15-2017, 1:15am - books
- Private: ESL :: 2.8 Restricted Estimators Classes . 01-19-2017, 4:12pm - book:ESL
- Private: ESL :: 2. Overview of Supervised Learning . 12-19-2016, 6:01am - book:ESL
- Private: ELS :: 2.1 Introduction ~2.2 Variable Types and Terminology . 12-19-2016, 4:41pm - book:ESL
- Private: ESL :: 2.4 통계적 결정이론(Statistical Decision Theory) . 01-03-2017, 4:52pm - book:ESL