DNN (Deep Neural Network)
neuralnet, nnet, deepnet
Neural Network
library(neuralnet) ### Loading Data --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- # creating train dataset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TKS <- c(20,10,30,20,80,30) #technical Knowledge Score -feature CSS <- c(90,20,40,50,50,80) #Communication Knowledge Score -feature Placed <- c( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1) #Student Placed -binary label trnData <- data.frame(TKS,CSS,Placed) # creating test dataset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TKS <- c(30,40,85) CSS <- c(85,50,40) tstData <- data.frame(TKS,CSS)
# Network --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- model <- neuralnet( Placed ~ TKS+CSS, data=trnData, hidden=4, act.fct ="logistic", linear.output=F) model %>% plot()

## Prediction using neural network -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- pred <- compute(model, tstData) pred.prob <- pred$net.result pred <- ifelse(pred.prob>0.5, 1, 0) pred
[,1] [1,] 1 [2,] 0 [3,] 1
# Binary classification nn <- neuralnet(formula= (Species=="setosa")~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data=iris, linear.output=FALSE) # Multiclass classification nn <- neuralnet(formula= Species ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data=iris, linear.output=FALSE) # Custom activation function softplus <- function(x) log(1 + exp(x)) nn <- neuralnet(formula= (Species=="setosa")~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data=iris, linear.output=FALSE, hidden = c(3, 2), act.fct = softplus) print(nn) plot(nn)

library(neuralnet) library(ggpmisc) set.seed(2016) # Load Data --------------------------------------------------------------- attribute <- as.data.frame(sample(seq(-2,2, length=50), 50, replace=F), ncol=1) response <- attribute^2 d0 <- cbind(attribute, response) colnames(d0) <- c("attribute", "response") d0 %>% head() # ploting for TURE Value -------------------------------------------------- d0 %>% ggplot(aes(x=attribute, y=response)) + geom_point() # Neuralnet regression ---------------------------------------------------- fit <- neuralnet(response~attribute, data=d0, hidden=c(3,3), threshold =0.01) fit %>% summary fit$net.result # Predict ---------------------------------------------------------------- result <- cbind(d0, fit$net.result) %>% as.data.table() colnames(result) <- c("attribute","response", "Pred") result %>% ggplot(aes(x=attribute)) + geom_point(aes(y=response)) + geom_point(aes(y=Pred), color="red") result %>% ggplot(aes(x=response, y=Pred)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm", formula=y~x, se=F) + stat_poly_eq(aes(label=..adj.rr.label..), formula=y~x, parse=T) Resid <- result[, .(response-Pred)] Resid %>% ggplot(aes(x=1:50, y=V1)) + geom_point()+ geom_smooth(method="lm", formula=y~x, se=F)
library('neuralnet') library('Metrics') # for access model library('ggpmisc') ### Load data --------------------------------------------------------------- data("Boston", package="MASS") dd <- Boston %>% data.table() d1 <- scale(dd) %>% data.table() # x-mean/sd keepcolumn <- c("crim","indus","nox","rm","age","dis","tax","ptratio","lstat","medv") d2 <- d1[ , ..keepcolumn] # Check NA d2 %>% map_int( ~ sum(is.na(.))) # Check Correlation d2corr <- cor(d2) d2melt <- melt(d2corr, varnames=c("x", "y"), value.name="Correlation") d2melt <- d2melt[order(d2melt$Correlation), ] d2melt %>% ggplot(aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=Correlation)) + scale_fill_gradient2( low="red", mid="white", high="steelblue", guide=guide_colorbar(ticks=F, barheight=10),limits=c(-1, 1)) + theme_minimal() + labs(x=NULL, y=NULL) GGally::ggpairs(d2) GGally::ggpairs(dd[ , ..keepcolumn]) ### Model --------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(666) train <- sample(x=1:dim(d2)[1], size=400, replace=F) # fit <- neuralnet(formula= medv~crim+indus+nox+rm+age+dis+tax+ptratio+lstat, # data= d2[train, ]) fit <- neuralnet(formula= medv~crim+indus+nox+rm+age+dis+tax+ptratio+lstat, data= d2[train, ], hidden=c(10,12,20), # No of Neurun for each Hidden layer algorithm= "rprop+", # Resilient backpropagration with backtracking (instead of default 'backprop' with learningrate=0.01) err.fct= "sse", # Error Function act.fct= "logistic", # Activation Function threshold= 0.1, # Activation Function threshold linear.output= TRUE # Output layer neurun, ) #pred <- compute(x=fit, covariate=d2[-train, 1:9]) pred <- predict(fit, newdata=d2[-train, 1:9]) ### Assess Model --------------------------------------------------------------- cor(d2[-train,][[10]] , pred)^2 #0.7458 mse(d2[-train,][[10]] , pred) #0.2732 rmse(d2[-train,][[10]] , pred) # sqrt(mse) #0.5227 RealvsPred <- cbind(d2[-train,][[10]] , pred) %>% data.table() names(RealvsPred) <- c("real", "pred") RealvsPred %>% ggplot(aes(x=real, y=pred)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm", formula=y~x, se=F) + stat_poly_eq(aes(label=..adj.rr.label..), formula=y~x, parse=T)

library(deepnet) xx <- d2[train, 1:9] %>% as.matrix() yy <- d2[train, 10] %>% as.matrix() fit <- nn.train(x=xx, y=yy, initW=NULL, initB=NULL, # initial weights, bias hidden=c(10,12,20), learningrate= 0.58, # for Backprop momentum=0.74, # 경사하강 업데이틍에서 과거 결사들에 대한 가중치 평균 learningrate_scale=1, # 학습률 activationfun="sigm", output="linear", numepochs=970, batchsize=60, hidden_dropout=0, visible_dropout=0 ) pred <- nn.predict(fit, x=d2[-train, 1:9])