17-02-11 16:44 | ISLR :: 7.5 Smoothing Splines
17-02-11 16:26 | 능형
17-02-10 13:54 | elementary speed
17-02-08 10:37 | password pretected
17-02-08 06:30 | ISLR :: 5.3 Lab: CV & BS :: (4) Bootstrap
17-02-08 06:04 | ISLR :: 5.2 The Bootstrap
17-02-08 03:49 | ISLR :: 5.0 Resampling Methods
17-02-06 14:40 | Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
17-02-06 09:50 | logistic regression :: Odds Ratio 해석
17-02-02 12:44 | ISLR :: 2.3 Lab: Introduction to R
17-01-26 10:56 | ggplot2 error – Error in fetch(key) : lazy-load database
17-01-19 08:26 | partial residual
17-01-17 10:41 | 0.0;;”-“;
17-01-17 01:44 | Document Viewer – Evince (로딩속도 문제 해결)
17-01-08 21:17 | elementary plank/dock1/launchers