Nuclio 모델배포 : custom model
모델배포 : custom model – mmdetection
0. inference demo 확인
main.py의 handler작성을 위해 inference demo확인 ( init_detector, inference_detector, [show_result_pyplot])
demo/ —[copy]—>
# ln -s /raid/templates/cvat cvat (mmdet안에 링크) # ~/my/git/mmdetection/cvat/ # ~/my/git/mmdetection/cvat/serverless # pwd # ~/my/git/mmdetection/ $ python \\ demo/demo.jpg \\ configs/faster_rcnn/ \\ checkpoints/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200130-047c8118.pth \\ --out-file demo/out/demo_out.jpg \\ --score-thr 0.4 \\ --device cuda:6
- Config파일 만들기 (work_dirs/faster_rcnn/
- CheckPoint파일 확인 (work_dirs/faster_rcnn/lastest.pth)
1. MakeConfig
$ python sixxtools/ \\ --fromconfig configs/faster_rcnn/ \\ --toconfig sixxconfigs/ 참고
Dataset 수집/구성/> Model 선정/checkpoint > config 수정 > Training
2. dockerfile
$ docker build -t cvat/serverless/sixx/mmdet/faster_rcnn/nuclio/
~/my/git/mmdetection/docker$ docker build -t base.mmdet .
FROM ubuntu:20.04FROM ubuntu:20.04 ENV TZ=Asiz/Seoul RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone ENV PATH /opt/conda/bin:$PATH RUN apt update RUN apt install -y python3.8 \\ && ln -s /usr/bin/python3.8 /usr/bin/python3 RUN apt install -y tzdata RUN apt install -y --no-install-recommends w g e t git ninja-build ca-certificates libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxrender-dev libxrender1 libxext6 python3.8-dev build-essential ffmpeg # Install miniconda3 RUN w g e t --quiet -O ~/ && \\ /bin/bash ~/ -b -p /opt/conda && \\ rm ~/ && \\ /opt/conda/bin/conda clean -tipy && \\ ln -s /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/ && \\ echo ". /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc && \\ echo "conda activate my_env" >> ~/.bashrc RUN conda create -n mmdet380 python=3.8 SHELL ["conda", "run", "-n", "mmdet380", "/bin/bash", "-c"] RUN conda install -y pytorch torchvision -c pytorch RUN conda install -y pip RUN pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel RUN pip install pycocotools RUN pip install openmim RUN mim install mmdet ENTRYPOINT ["conda", "run", "-n", "mmdet380"]
metadata: name: mmdet-faster-rcnn-x namespace: cvat annotations: name: faster-rcnn-x type: detector framework: pytorch spec: | [ { "id": 1, "name": "person" }, { "id": 2, "name": "bicycle" }, { "id": 3, "name": "car" }, { "id": 4, "name": "motorcycle" }, { "id": 5, "name": "airplane" }, { "id": 6, "name": "bus" }, { "id": 7, "name": "train" }, { "id": 8, "name": "truck" }, { "id": 9, "name": "boat" }, { "id":10, "name": "traffic_light" }, { "id":11, "name": "fire_hydrant" }, { "id":13, "name": "stop_sign" }, { "id":14, "name": "parking_meter" }, { "id":15, "name": "bench" }, { "id":16, "name": "bird" }, { "id":17, "name": "cat" }, { "id":18, "name": "dog" }, { "id":19, "name": "horse" }, { "id":20, "name": "sheep" }, { "id":21, "name": "cow" }, { "id":22, "name": "elephant" }, { "id":23, "name": "bear" }, { "id":24, "name": "zebra" }, { "id":25, "name": "giraffe" }, { "id":27, "name": "backpack" }, { "id":28, "name": "umbrella" }, { "id":31, "name": "handbag" }, { "id":32, "name": "tie" }, { "id":33, "name": "suitcase" }, { "id":34, "name": "frisbee" }, { "id":35, "name": "skis" }, { "id":36, "name": "snowboard" }, { "id":37, "name": "sports_ball" }, { "id":38, "name": "kite" }, { "id":39, "name": "baseball_bat" }, { "id":40, "name": "baseball_glove" }, { "id":41, "name": "skateboard" }, { "id":42, "name": "surfboard" }, { "id":43, "name": "tennis_racket" }, { "id":44, "name": "bottle" }, { "id":46, "name": "wine_glass" }, { "id":47, "name": "cup" }, { "id":48, "name": "fork" }, { "id":49, "name": "knife" }, { "id":50, "name": "spoon" }, { "id":51, "name": "bowl" }, { "id":52, "name": "banana" }, { "id":53, "name": "apple" }, { "id":54, "name": "sandwich" }, { "id":55, "name": "orange" }, { "id":56, "name": "broccoli" }, { "id":57, "name": "carrot" }, { "id":58, "name": "hot_dog" }, { "id":59, "name": "pizza" }, { "id":60, "name": "donut" }, { "id":61, "name": "cake" }, { "id":62, "name": "chair" }, { "id":63, "name": "couch" }, { "id":64, "name": "potted_plant" }, { "id":65, "name": "bed" }, { "id":67, "name": "dining_table" }, { "id":70, "name": "toilet" }, { "id":72, "name": "tv" }, { "id":73, "name": "laptop" }, { "id":74, "name": "mouse" }, { "id":75, "name": "remote" }, { "id":76, "name": "keyboard" }, { "id":77, "name": "cell_phone" }, { "id":78, "name": "microwave" }, { "id":79, "name": "oven" }, { "id":80, "name": "toaster" }, { "id":81, "name": "sink" }, { "id":83, "name": "refrigerator" }, { "id":84, "name": "book" }, { "id":85, "name": "clock" }, { "id":86, "name": "vase" }, { "id":87, "name": "scissors" }, { "id":88, "name": "teddy_bear" }, { "id":89, "name": "hair_drier" }, { "id":90, "name": "toothbrush" } ] spec: description: faster-rcnn-x runtime: "python:3.8" handler: main:handler eventTimeout: 30s build: image: cvat/ baseImage: makeimg #competent_dubinsky #mytag #base.bkseo directives: preCopy: - kind: USER value: root - kind: WORKDIR value: /opt/nuclio - kind: ENV value: PATH="/root/miniconda3/bin:${PATH}" - kind: ARG value: PATH="/root/miniconda3/bin:${PATH}" - kind: ENTRYPOINT value: '["conda", "run", "-n", "mmdet380"]' triggers: myHttpTrigger: maxWorkers: 2 kind: "http" workerAvailabilityTimeoutMilliseconds: 10000 attributes: maxRequestBodySize: 33554432 # 32MB platform: attributes: restartPolicy: name: always maximumRetryCount: 3 mountMode: volume
외부에서 해당 모델을 통해 접근을 위한 설정
nuclio function의 포트번호와 cvat network를 지정
에 특정 port를 추가하고, spec.platform.attributes
에 도커 컴포즈를 실행했을 때 생성된 도커 네트워크(cvat_cvat)를 추가.
triggers: myHttpTrigger: maxWorkers: 2 kind: 'http' workerAvailabilityTimeoutMilliseconds: 10000 attributes: maxRequestBodySize: 33554432 port: 33000 # 추가포트 platform: attributes: restartPolicy: name: always maximumRetryCount: 3 mountMode: volume network: cvat_cvat # 추가 도커네트웍
Nuclio에 적용
2. 로컬에서 DL모델을 실행하기 위한 소스코드를 Nuclio 플랫폼에 적용
2-1 모델을 메모리에 로딩 (init_context(context)함수를 사용하여)
def init_context(context): # Create the DB connection under "context.user_data" # setattr(context.user_data, 'my_db_connection', my_db.create_connection()) cfg = get_config('COCO-Detection/retinanet_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml') cfg.merge_from_list(CONFIG_OPTS) cfg.MODEL.RETINANET.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD cfg.MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST = CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD cfg.MODEL.PANOPTIC_FPN.COMBINE.INSTANCES_CONFIDENCE_THRESH = CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD cfg.freeze() predictor = DefaultPredictor(cfg) context.user_data.model_handler = predictor def handler(context, event): # context.user_data.my_db_connection.query(...)
from inference demo
# Copyright onesixx. All rights reserved. import os CONFIG = [os.path.join('./param', filenm) for filenm in os.listdir('./param') if filenm.endswith('.py')][0] CHKPNT = [os.path.join('./param', filenm) for filenm in os.listdir('./param') if filenm.endswith('.pth')][0] SCORE_THRESHOLD = 0.9 DEVICE = "cpu" #"cuda:6" PALETTE = "coco" import json with open('./annotations/instances_train2017.json', 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) categories = data['categories'] category_list = [] for category in categories: category_list.append({'id':category['id'], 'name':category['name']}) classes = category_list # classes = [ # { "id": 1, "name": "person" }, # { "id": 2, "name": "bicycle" }, # ... # { "id":90, "name": "toothbrush" } # ] import mmcv from mmdet.apis import init_detector from mmdet.apis import inference_detector import io import base64 from PIL import Image import numpy as np def init_context(context):"Init context... 0%") # -------------------------------- model = init_detector(CONFIG, CHECKPOINT, device=DEVICE) context.user_data.model = model"Init context... 100%") # ------------------------------ def handler(context, event):"Run sixx model") data = event.body buf = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data["image"])) # threshold = float(data.get("threshold", SCORE_THRESHOLD)) # context.user_data.model.conf = threshold image = imgArray = np.array(image) result = inference_detector(context.user_data.model, imgArray) if isinstance(result, tuple): bbox_result, segm_result = result if isinstance(segm_result, tuple): segm_result = segm_result[0] # discard the `dim` else: bbox_result, segm_result = result, None img = image.copy() bboxes = np.vstack(bbox_result) labels = [ np.full(bbox.shape[0], i, dtype=np.int32) for i, bbox in enumerate(bbox_result) ] labels = np.concatenate(labels) scores = bboxes[:, -1] inds = scores > SCORE_THRESHOLD scores = scores[inds] # confidence labels = labels[inds] # label bboxes = bboxes[inds, :] # points if show_mask and segm_result is not None: segms = mmcv.concat_list(segm_result) segms = [segms[i] for i in np.where(inds)[0]] if palette is None: palette = color_val_iter() colors = [next(palette) for _ in range(len(segms))] encoded_results = [] if bboxes.shape[0] > 0: for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): encoded_results.append({ 'confidence': scores[i], 'label': classes[labels[i]]['name'], 'points': bboxes[i].tolist(), 'type': 'rectangle' }) return context.Response( body=json.dumps(encoded_results), headers={}, content_type='application/json', status_code=200 )
2-2 아래 프로세스를 위해 handler에 entry point를 정의하고, main.py에 넣는다.
- accept incoming HTTP requests
- run inference
- reply with detection results
# Copyright onesixx. All rights reserved. import os # CONFIG = [os.path.join("./param", filenm) for filenm in os.listdir('./param') if filenm.endswith('.py')][0] # CHKPNT = [os.path.join("./param", filenm) for filenm in os.listdir('./param') if filenm.endswith('.pth')][0] CONFIG = '/opt/nuclio/param/' CHKPNT = '/opt/nuclio/param/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200130-047c8118.pth' SCORE_THRESHOLD = 0.9 DEVICE = "cpu" #"cuda:6" PALETTE = "coco" import mmcv from mmdet.apis import init_detector from mmdet.apis import inference_detector import io import base64 from PIL import Image import numpy as np import yaml import json #from model_loader import ModelLoader with open("/opt/nuclio/function.yaml", 'rb') as function_file: functionconfig = yaml.safe_load(function_file) # with open("./function.yaml", 'rb') as function_file: functionconfig = yaml.safe_load(function_file) labels_spec = functionconfig['metadata']['annotations']['spec'] classes = eval(labels_spec) # classes = [ # { "id": 1, "name": "person" }, # { "id": 2, "name": "bicycle" }, # ... # { "id":90, "name": "toothbrush" } # ] def init_context(context):"Init context... 0%") # -------------------------------- model_handler = init_detector(CONFIG, CHKPNT, device=DEVICE) #model_handler = ModelLoader(classes) context.user_data.model = model_handler"Init context... 100%") # ------------------------------ def handler(context, event):"Run sixx model") data = event.body buf = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data["image"])) # threshold = float(data.get("threshold", SCORE_THRESHOLD)) # context.user_data.model.conf = threshold # buf = './imgs/demo.jpg' image = imgArray = np.array(image) # result = inference_detector(model_handler, imgArray) result = inference_detector(context.user_data.model, imgArray) if isinstance(result, tuple): bbox_result, segm_result = result if isinstance(segm_result, tuple): segm_result = segm_result[0] # discard the `dim` else: bbox_result, segm_result = result, None img = image.copy() bboxes = np.vstack(bbox_result) labels = [ np.full(bbox.shape[0], i, dtype=np.int32) for i, bbox in enumerate(bbox_result) ] labels = np.concatenate(labels) scores = bboxes[:, -1] inds = scores > SCORE_THRESHOLD scores = scores[inds] # confidence labels = labels[inds] # label bboxes = bboxes[inds, :] # points # if show_mask and segm_result is not None: # segms = mmcv.concat_list(segm_result) # segms = [segms[i] for i in np.where(inds)[0]] # if palette is None: # palette = color_val_iter() # colors = [next(palette) for _ in range(len(segms))] encoded_results = [] if bboxes.shape[0] > 0: for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): encoded_results.append({ 'confidence': float(scores[i]), 'label': classes[labels[i]]['name'], 'points': bboxes[i][:4].tolist(), 'type': 'rectangle' }) return context.Response( body=json.dumps(encoded_results), headers={}, content_type='application/json', status_code=200 )
# Copyright onesixx. All rights reserved. import os # CONFIG = [os.path.join("./param", filenm) for filenm in os.listdir('./param') if filenm.endswith('.py')][0] # CHKPNT = [os.path.join("./param", filenm) for filenm in os.listdir('./param') if filenm.endswith('.pth')][0] CONFIG = '/opt/nuclio/param/' CHKPNT = '/opt/nuclio/param/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200130-047c8118.pth' SCORE_THRESHOLD = 0.9 DEVICE = "cpu" #"cuda:6" PALETTE = "coco" import mmcv from mmdet.apis import init_detector from mmdet.apis import inference_detector import io import base64 from PIL import Image import numpy as np import yaml import json #from model_loader import ModelLoader with open("/opt/nuclio/function.yaml", 'rb') as function_file: functionconfig = yaml.safe_load(function_file) # with open("./function.yaml", 'rb') as function_file: functionconfig = yaml.safe_load(function_file) labels_spec = functionconfig['metadata']['annotations']['spec'] classes = labels_spec # classes = [ # { "id": 1, "name": "person" }, # { "id": 2, "name": "bicycle" }, # ... # { "id":90, "name": "toothbrush" } # ] def init_context(context):"Init context... 0%") # -------------------------------- model_handler = init_detector(CONFIG, CHKPNT, device=DEVICE) #model_handler = ModelLoader(classes) context.user_data.model = model_handler"Init context... 100%") # ------------------------------ def handler(context, event):"Run sixx model") data = event.body buf = io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data["image"])) # threshold = float(data.get("threshold", SCORE_THRESHOLD)) # context.user_data.model.conf = threshold # buf = './imgs/demo.jpg' image = imgArray = np.array(image) # result = inference_detector(model, imgArray) result = inference_detector(context.user_data.model, imgArray) if isinstance(result, tuple): bbox_result, segm_result = result if isinstance(segm_result, tuple): segm_result = segm_result[0] # discard the `dim` else: bbox_result, segm_result = result, None img = image.copy() bboxes = np.vstack(bbox_result) labels = [ np.full(bbox.shape[0], i, dtype=np.int32) for i, bbox in enumerate(bbox_result) ] labels = np.concatenate(labels) scores = bboxes[:, -1] inds = scores > SCORE_THRESHOLD scores = scores[inds] # confidence labels = labels[inds] # label bboxes = bboxes[inds, :] # points # if show_mask and segm_result is not None: # segms = mmcv.concat_list(segm_result) # segms = [segms[i] for i in np.where(inds)[0]] # if palette is None: # palette = color_val_iter() # colors = [next(palette) for _ in range(len(segms))] encoded_results = [] if bboxes.shape[0] > 0: for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]): encoded_results.append({ 'confidence': float(scores[i]), 'label': classes[labels[i]]['name'], 'points': bboxes[i][:4].tolist(), 'type': 'rectangle' }) return context.Response( body=json.dumps(encoded_results), headers={}, content_type='application/json', status_code=200 )
from model_handler import ModelHandler
3. deploy
새로운 serverless 함수를 사용하기 위해서는
(위 Builtin model에서 했던것처럼) nuctl 명령어로 deploy를 해야한다.
- function.yaml
$ nuctl deploy --project-name cvat \\ --path cvat/serverless/sixx/mmdet/faster_rcnn_x/nuclio/ \\ --volume `pwd`/serverless/common:/opt/nuclio/common \\ --platform local
$ serverless/ \\ serverless/pytorch/facebookresearch/detectron2/retinanet/

$ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 264a2739eeb6 cvat/ "conda run -n mmdet3…" 47 seconds ago Up 46 seconds (healthy)>8080/tcp nuclio-nuclio-mmdet-faster-rcnn-x e71c29400634 "/bin/sh -c '/bin/sl…" 5 hours ago Up 5 hours nuclio-local-storage-reader

Issue : Steps for custom model deployment
http://How to upload DL which built by myself? : How to upload DL which built by myself? : Mmdetection MaskRCNN serverless support for semi-automatic annotation Load my own Yolov5 model on cvat by nuclio
mmdetection 모델변환
Exporting MMDetection models to ONNX format
openvino :
Serving pre-trained ML/DL models
docker 정리
더 이상 컨테이너에 연결되지 않고, 태그가 없어진 이미지를 Dangling image
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
docker exec -it nuclio-nuclio-mmdet-faster-rcnn-x bash