설치 및 기본사용법
#devtools::install_github('andrewsali/shinycssloaders') #options(spinner.color="#0dc5c1") #options(spinner.size=my_size) library(shinycssloaders) #... withSpinner(plotOutput("myPlot")) plotOutput("myPlot") %>% withSpinner() plotOutput("myPlot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1") #...
demo in shiny
library(tidyverse); library(data.table);library(shiny) library(shinycssloaders) ui <- fluidPage( actionButton("go", "Go"), plotOutput("myPlot") %>% withSpinner() ) server <- function(input, output) { output$myPlot <- renderPlot({ input$go Sys.sleep(1.6) data.table(x=1:10, y=runif(10)) %>% ggplot(aes(x,y)) + geom_point() + geom_line() }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
ui <- fluidPage( actionButton("redraw_plot","Re-draw"), checkboxInput("show_plot", "Show tables", value=TRUE), fluidRow( column(width=6, plotOutput("myPlot") %>% withSpinner(type=7) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output,session) { output$myPlot <- renderPlot({ shiny::validate(need(input$show_plot,"Show table is unchecked. Check to see table.")) input$redraw_plot Sys.sleep(1.6) mtcars %>% ggplot(aes(x=hp, y=mpg))+ facet_grid(~gear)+ geom_point() }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny) library(shinycssloaders) library(ggplot2) ui <- fluidPage( checkboxInput("show_plot", "Show tables", value=TRUE), actionButton("redraw_plot","Re-draw"), fluidRow( column(width=6, plotOutput("plotWithSpin") %>% withSpinner(type=7) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output,session) { output$plotWithSpin <- renderPlot({ shiny::validate(need(input$show_plot,"Show table is unchecked. Check to see table.")) input$redraw_plot Sys.sleep(3) # just for animation ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=hp, y=mpg))+ facet_grid(~gear)+ geom_point() }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny); library(ggplot2); library(tidyverse) library(shinycssloaders) ui <- fluidPage( actionButton("btn_plotting", "Plot"), actionButton("btn_reset", "reset"), plotOutput("mainPlot") %>% withSpinner(type=2, color="#428bca") ) server <- function(input, output, session){ observeEvent(input$btn_plotting,{ Sys.sleep(3) output$mainPlot <- renderPlot({ p <- ggplot(data.frame(val=rnorm(50)), aes(x=val)) + geom_histogram() return(p) }) }) observeEvent(input$btn_reset,{ Sys.sleep(3) output$mainPlot <- renderPlot(p()) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny); library(ggplot2) data(iris) ui <- basicPage( plotOutput("plot1", brush="plot_brush"), verbatimTextOutput("info"), mainPanel(downloadButton('downloadData', 'Download')) ) server <- function(input, output){ output$plot1 <- renderPlot({ ggplot(iris,aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Sepal.Length)) + geom_point(aes(color=factor(Species))) + theme_bw() }) # output$info <- renderPrint({ # brushedPoints(iris, input$plot_brush, xvar="Sepal.Width", yvar="Sepal.Length") # }) selectedData <- reactive({ brushedPoints(iris, input$plot_brush) }) output$info <- renderPrint({ selectedData() }) output$downloadData <- downloadHandler( filename = function(){ paste('SelectedRows', '.csv', sep='') }, #content = function(file){ write.csv(output$info, file)} content = function(file){ write.csv(selectedData(), file)} selectedData ) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny) library(shinycssloaders) # for spinners 2-3 match the background color of wellPanel options(spinner.color.background="#F5F5F5") ui <- fluidPage( wellPanel( tags$b("This example shows the loading spinner whilst the plot is loading and hides the spinner when the plot is not shown."),br(),br(), tags$ul( tags$li("You can use it to wrap any kind of output."), tags$li("To see what happens on recalculation, click the recalculate button"), tags$li("To see what happens if no output should be generated, check off 'Show plots'.") ), checkboxInput("show_plot","Show plot",value=TRUE), actionButton("redraw_plot","Re-draw plots") ),,lapply(1:8,function(.type) { tabPanel(paste0("Type ",.type), fluidRow( column(width=6, wellPanel( tags$b("With spinner:"), plotOutput(paste0("plot",.type)) %>% withSpinner(type=.type) ) ), column(width=6, wellPanel( tags$b("Without spinner (default):"), plotOutput(paste0("nospin_plot",.type)) ) ) ) ) })) ) server <- function(input, output,session){ for (i in 1:8) { output[[paste0("nospin_plot",i)]] <- output[[paste0("plot",i)]] <- renderPlot({ validate(need(input$show_plot, "Show plot is unchecked. Check to see plot.")) input$redraw_plot Sys.sleep(5) # just for demo so you can enjoy the animation df <- data.frame(x = runif(1e4), y = runif(1e4) ggplot(df, aes(x,y))+ geom_point }) } } shinyApp(ui, server)
#devtools::install_github('andrewsali/shinycssloaders') #options(spinner.color="#0dc5c1") #options(spinner.size=my_size) library(shinycssloaders) ... withSpinner(plotOutput("my_plot")) plotOutput("my_plot") %>% withSpinner() plotOutput("my_plot") %>% withSpinner(color="#0dc5c1") ...
library(shiny) library(shinycssloaders) library(ggplot2) options(spinner.color.background="#F5F5F5") ui <- fluidPage( checkboxInput("show_plot", "Show tables", value=TRUE), actionButton("redraw_plot","Re-draw"), fluidRow( column(width=6, plotOutput("plotWithSpin") %>% withSpinner(type=7) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output,session) { output$plotWithSpin <- renderPlot({ shiny::validate(need(input$show_plot,"Show table is unchecked. Check to see table.")) input$redraw_plot Sys.sleep(3) # just for animation ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=hp, y=mpg))+ facet_grid(~gear)+ geom_point() }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny); library(ggplot2); library(tidyverse) library(shinycssloaders) ui <- fluidPage( actionButton("btn_plotting", "Plot"), actionButton("btn_reset", "reset"), plotOutput("mainPlot") %>% withSpinner(type=2, color="#428bca") ) server <- function(input, output, session){ observeEvent(input$btn_plotting,{ Sys.sleep(3) output$mainPlot <- renderPlot({ p <- ggplot(data.frame(val=rnorm(50)), aes(x=val)) + geom_histogram() return(p) }) }) observeEvent(input$btn_reset,{ Sys.sleep(3) output$mainPlot <- renderPlot(p()) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny); library(ggplot2) data(iris) ui <- basicPage( plotOutput("plot1", brush="plot_brush"), verbatimTextOutput("info"), mainPanel(downloadButton('downloadData', 'Download')) ) server <- function(input, output){ output$plot1 <- renderPlot({ ggplot(iris,aes(x=Sepal.Width,y=Sepal.Length)) + geom_point(aes(color=factor(Species))) + theme_bw() }) # output$info <- renderPrint({ # brushedPoints(iris, input$plot_brush, xvar="Sepal.Width", yvar="Sepal.Length") # }) selectedData <- reactive({ brushedPoints(iris, input$plot_brush) }) output$info <- renderPrint({ selectedData() }) output$downloadData <- downloadHandler( filename = function(){ paste('SelectedRows', '.csv', sep='') }, #content = function(file){ write.csv(output$info, file)} content = function(file){ write.csv(selectedData(), file)} selectedData ) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny) library(shinycssloaders) # for spinners 2-3 match the background color of wellPanel options(spinner.color.background="#F5F5F5") ui <- fluidPage( wellPanel( tags$b("This example shows the loading spinner whilst the plot is loading and hides the spinner when the plot is not shown."),br(),br(), tags$ul( tags$li("You can use it to wrap any kind of output."), tags$li("To see what happens on recalculation, click the recalculate button"), tags$li("To see what happens if no output should be generated, check off 'Show plots'.") ), checkboxInput("show_plot","Show plot",value=TRUE), actionButton("redraw_plot","Re-draw plots") ),,lapply(1:8,function(.type) { tabPanel(paste0("Type ",.type), fluidRow( column(width=6, wellPanel( tags$b("With spinner:"), plotOutput(paste0("plot",.type)) %>% withSpinner(type=.type) ) ), column(width=6, wellPanel( tags$b("Without spinner (default):"), plotOutput(paste0("nospin_plot",.type)) ) ) ) ) })) ) server <- function(input, output,session){ for (i in 1:8) { output[[paste0("nospin_plot",i)]] <- output[[paste0("plot",i)]] <- renderPlot({ validate(need(input$show_plot, "Show plot is unchecked. Check to see plot.")) input$redraw_plot Sys.sleep(5) # just for demo so you can enjoy the animation df <- data.frame(x = runif(1e4), y = runif(1e4) ggplot(df, aes(x,y))+ geom_point }) } } shinyApp(ui, server)