influxDB -writing old

Published by onesixx on

OLD ver.
# influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.4
InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.4

> show databases
name: databases

> use _internal
Using database _internal

> show measurements   -- tables과 같음.
name: measurements

> select * from runtime limit 3;     -- sql사용
name: runtime
time                Alloc   Frees  HeapAlloc HeapIdle HeapInUse HeapObjects HeapReleased HeapSys Lookups Mallocs NumGC NumGoroutine PauseTotalNs Sys      TotalAlloc hostname
----                -----   -----  --------- -------- --------- ----------- ------------ ------- ------- ------- ----- ------------ ------------ ---      ---------- --------
1636541260000000000 2952168 266883 2952168   1916928  4571136   35171       0            6488064 965     302054  6     15           1038172      10590456 14440448   924e04304caf
1636541270000000000 2903840 288837 2903840   1236992  5251072   15549       0            6488064 1049    304386  7     17           1203278      10590456 15927728   924e04304caf
1636541280000000000 3280040 288988 3280040   917504   5570560   17637       0            6488064 1053    306625  7     17           1203278      10590456 16303928   924e04304caf

> select Alloc, Frees, HeapAlloc, NumGC  from runtime limit 3;   --time 안씀
name: runtime
time                Alloc   Frees  HeapAlloc NumGC
----                -----   -----  --------- -----
1636541260000000000 2952168 266883 2952168   6
1636541270000000000 2903840 288837 2903840   7
1636541280000000000 3280040 288988 3280040   7

> quit
# influx -precision rfc3339
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.4
InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.4

# precision 'rfc3339|h|m|s|ms|u|ns'
# Precision specifies the format of the timestamp:  rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns.

> create database exemDB
> use exemDB
-- 한 Point(행)은 line protocol 로 구성
-- Measurement, Tag set 키=값  Field set 키=값  timeStamp
-- ex)
insert soccer,name=son,nation=Korea   team="tottenham",age=29,city="London"   1511866000000000000
insert soccer,name=messi,nation=Argentina   team="PSG",age=34,city="Paris"   1521967000000000000
insert soccer,name=HarryKane,nation=England   team="tottenham",age=28,city="London"

> show measurements
name: measurements

> select * from soccer
name: soccer
time                         age city   name      nation    team
----                         --- ----   ----      ------    ----
2017-11-28T10:46:40Z         29  London son       Korea     tottenham
2018-03-25T08:36:40Z         34  Paris  messi     Argentina PSG
2021-11-15T07:07:35.8174169Z 28  London HarryKane England   tottenham

> show tag keys on exemDB from soccer
name: soccer

> show field keys from soccer
name: soccer
fieldKey fieldType
-------- ---------
age      float
city     string
team     string

> delete from soccer where nation='England'
> select * from soccer
name: soccer
time                 age city   name  nation    team
----                 --- ----   ----  ------    ----
2017-11-28T10:46:40Z 29  London son   Korea     tottenham
2018-03-25T08:36:40Z 34  Paris  messi Argentina PSG

> drop measuerment soccer
> drop database exemDB
$ docker exec -it 924e04304caff1826d9364ccaae1aea0e06c99280768ec5a24472db6ca1b23a1 /bin/

$# influxd backup -portable -database exemDB /tmp/backup
2021/11/15 07:28:55 backing up metastore to /tmp/backup/meta.00
2021/11/15 07:28:55 backing up db=exemDB
2021/11/15 07:28:55 backing up db=exemDB rp=autogen shard=6 to /tmp/backup/exemDB.autogen.00006.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2021/11/15 07:28:55 backing up db=exemDB rp=autogen shard=7 to /tmp/backup/exemDB.autogen.00007.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2021/11/15 07:28:55 backing up db=exemDB rp=autogen shard=8 to /tmp/backup/exemDB.autogen.00008.00 since 0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
2021/11/15 07:28:55 backup complete:
2021/11/15 07:28:55     /tmp/backup/20211115T072855Z.meta
2021/11/15 07:28:55     /tmp/backup/20211115T072855Z.s6.tar.gz
2021/11/15 07:28:55     /tmp/backup/20211115T072855Z.s7.tar.gz
2021/11/15 07:28:55     /tmp/backup/20211115T072855Z.s8.tar.gz
2021/11/15 07:28:55     /tmp/backup/20211115T072855Z.manifest

$# influxd restore -portable -db exemDB /tmp/backup
2021/11/15 07:35:42 Restoring shard 7 live from backup 20211115T072855Z.s7.tar.gz
2021/11/15 07:35:42 Restoring shard 8 live from backup 20211115T072855Z.s8.tar.gz
2021/11/15 07:35:42 Restoring shard 6 live from backup 20211115T072855Z.s6.tar.gz

Retention Policy 보존 정책

> show retention policies on exemDB
name    duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default
----    -------- ------------------ -------- -------
autogen 0s       168h0m0s           1        true

> create retention policy my_rp on exemDB duration 365d replication 1 shard duration 2w default
> show retention policies on exemDB
name    duration  shardGroupDuration replicaN default
----    --------  ------------------ -------- -------
autogen 0s        168h0m0s           1        false
my_rp   8760h0m0s 336h0m0s           1        true

> alter retention policy my_rp on exemDB duration 4w
> show retention policies on exemDB
name    duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default
----    -------- ------------------ -------- -------
autogen 0s       168h0m0s           1        false
my_rp   672h0m0s 336h0m0s           1        true

> drop retention policy my_rp on exemDB
> show retention policies on exemDB
name    duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default
----    -------- ------------------ -------- -------
autogen 0s       168h0m0s           1        false

> alter retention policy autogen on exemDB default
> show retention policies on exemDB
name    duration shardGroupDuration replicaN default
----    -------- ------------------ -------- -------
autogen 0s       168h0m0s           1        true
  • name: autogen 기본 정책
  • duration: 0s 삭제없이 영원히 데이터 보관
  • ShardGroupDurtaion : 168h 7일 샤드그룹에의해 보호되는 시간범위
  • replicaN: 1 클러스터에 저장된 데이터의 복사본 수이지만, 단일서버이므로 1
  • default: True


Vertical Partitioning

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  • 도메인에 따라 쉽게 분리할 수 있습니다.
  • 도메인에 영향을 많이 받기 때문에 대부분 application level에서 CRUD를 구현합니다.

Horizontal Partitioning

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Database의 샤딩(Sharding)이란?

데이터베이스의 수평 분할
개개의 파티션은 Shard라 부른다.
개개의 데이터베이스 서버 인스턴스에서 부하 분산을 위해 각 shard룰 보유하고 있다.

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  • 같은 테이블 스키마를 가진 데이터를 다수의 데이터베이스에 분산하여 저장하는 방법을 의미합니다.
  • application level에서도 가능하지만 database level에서도 가능합니다.
  • Horizontal Partitioning이라고 볼 수 있습니다.


Categories: Influxdb


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