Dynamic UI
dynamic UI 생성방법 5가지
사용자 Input에 따라 반응하는 UI 만들기
ui | server | |
uiOuput | renderUI | |
uiOuput | InsertUI/ RemoveUI | |
ConditionalPanel | ||
Use JavaScript | 웹페이지에서 직접 수정 | |
useShinyjs | ex) hide/show , toggle |
- conditionalPanel ()
에서 정의하는 conditionalPanel()은 dynamic하게 shown/hidden할 UI요소들 묶어서 조건에 따라 반응한다. - renderUI () function
에서 정의하는 renderUI()는ui.R
의 uiOutput()와 같이 사용하며,
reactive을 이용하여 UI함수가 호출되도록 만들어 놓고, Input에 따라 reactive가 반응할때, UI에서 미리 정의해 놓은 결과를 보여준다. - insertUI() 와 removeUI()
에서 정의하는 insertUI()는
allow you to add and remove arbitrary chunks of UI code (all independent from one another), as many times as you want, whenever you want, wherever you want. - Use JavaScript
to modify the webpage directly. - shinyjs
hide/show , toggle
renderUI (uiOutput)
example01 : http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/dynamic-ui.html


library(shiny) # UI ----------------------------------------------------------------- ui <- basicPage( tags$h3("DynamicUI Using uiOutput & renderUI", style="color:blue;"), radioButtons(inputId="radio", "Choose one:", width="100%", inline=T, choiceNames = list("KOREA", "America"), choiceValues = list("kor", "us"), selected = "kor"), tags$h4("Where do you wanna go?"), uiOutput("city") ) # Server ----------------------------------------------------------------- server <- function(input, output, session){ reative_rdo <- reactive(input$radio) output$city <- renderUI({ reative_rdo() select_nation <- isolate(input$radio) switch(select_nation, "kor"= {selectInput("myselect", "Choose City:", choices=c("Seoul", "Pusan"))}, "us" = {selectInput("myselect", "Choose City:", choices=c("NewYork", "san francisco"))} ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Dynamically generated UI components"), sidebarPanel( selectInput("sel_inputType", "Input type", choices=c("slider", "text", "numeric", "checkbox", "checkboxGroup", "radioButtons", "selectInput", "Multi-select", "date", "daterange")), uiOutput("ui") ), mainPanel( fluidRow( column(12, tags$p("Input type:"), verbatimTextOutput("txtInputType"), tags$p("Dynamic input value:"), verbatimTextOutput("dynamic_value") ) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { output$ui <- renderUI({ if (is.null(input$sel_inputType)) return() switch(input$sel_inputType, "slider" = sliderInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", min=1, max=20, value=10), "text" = textInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", value="starting value"), "numeric" = numericInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", value=12), "checkbox" = checkboxInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", value=TRUE), "checkboxGroup"= checkboxGroupInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", choices=c("Opt1"="1", "Opt2"="2"),\tselected="2"), "radioButtons" = radioButtons("dynamic", "Dynamic", choices=c("Opt1"="1", "Opt2"="2"),\tselected="2"), "selectInput" = selectInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", choices=c("Opt1"="1", "Opt2"="2"),\tselected="2"), "Multi-select" = selectInput("dynamic", "Dynamic", choices=c("Opt1"="1", "Opt2"="2"),\tselected=c("1","2"), multiple=T), "date" = dateInput("dynamic", "Dynamic"), "daterange" = dateRangeInput("dynamic", "Dynamic") ) }) output$txtInputType <- renderText({ input$sel_inputType }) output$dynamic_value <- renderPrint({ str(input$dynamic) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
ex> SideBar내 select Input 간 Dynamic
UI에서 하나의 object의 결과가 다른 object에 영향을 줄 때, (즉 UI에서 Object의 property가 Dynamic하게 변경될 때) ui.R에서해당 updateComponent로UI컨트롤을 변경하는 것이 아니라, uiOutput()으로 위치만 정의하고,
server.R에서 정의와 처리를 동시에 한다.
ui <- fluidPage( sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( selectInput("dataset1", "Dataset:", choices=c("iris", "mtcars")), uiOutput("var_vx"), #selectInput("vx", "X:", choices=NULL), uiOutput("var_vy") #selectInput("vy", "Y:", choices=NULL) ), mainPanel( plotOutput("p") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output, session){ var <- reactive({ switch(input$dataset1, "iris"=names(iris), "mtcars"=names(mtcars)) }) output$var_vx <- renderUI({ varX <- var() selectInput("vx", "X:", choices=varX) }) output$var_vy <- renderUI({ varY <- var() selectInput("vy", "Y:", choices=varY) }) output$p <- renderPlot({ get(input$dataset1) %>% ggplot(aes(x=get(input$vx), y=get(input$vy))) + geom_point(size=3, shape=1, alpha=0.5) + labs(x=input$vx, y=input$vy) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
Tab 간 Dynamic
Dynamic UI (with renderUI & outputUI)
If you want to return a block of UI elements – say a paragraph,
then a text box and a selector – you would use renderUI and uiOutput(outputUI) and instead of returning one object,
you return a list or tagList of objects (these functions can be used interchangeably).
Example app: Dynamic user interface
하나의 Object를 return받는 것 대신, Object의 list를 return한다.
아래 예에서, my_output_UI
output 은 h4
header and a selector의 list 이다.
The selector gets updated when the user clicks on the button (note observeEvent).
Each time the user clicks the button the selections gets updated.
library(shiny) # initial selections--------------------------------------------- init_env01 <- function(){ env <- new.env() env$city <- c("Seoul", "Pusan") # initial value return(env) } env <- init_env01() # UI ----------------------------------------------------------------- ui <- basicPage( tags$h3("DynamicUI Using uiOutput & renderUI", style="color:blue;"), uiOutput("my_output_UI"), # Server에서 처리 textInput("mytext", "add cities:"), actionButton("mybutton", "Click to add to cities") ) # Server ----------------------------------------------------------------- server <- function(input, output, session){ # return a list of UI elements output$my_output_UI <- renderUI({ list( tags$h4("My selection list"), selectInput("myselect", "", choices=env$city) ) }) # update the selection list. "<<-" observeEvent(input$mybutton,{ env$city <<- c(input$mytext, env$city) updateSelectInput(session, "myselect", choices=env$city, selected=env$city[1]) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
Without uiOutput, renderUI
library(shiny) # initial selections--------------------------------------------- init_env01 <- function(){ env <- new.env() env$city <- c("Seoul", "Pusan") # initial value return(env) } env <- init_env01() # UI ----------------------------------------------------------------- ui <- basicPage( tags$h3("DynamicUI Using uiOutput & renderUI", style="color:blue;"), tags$h4("Where do you wanna go?"), selectInput("myselect", "Choose City:", choices=env$city), textInput("mytext", "add cities:"), actionButton("mybutton", "Click to add to cities") ) # Server ----------------------------------------------------------------- server <- function(input, output, session){ # update the selection list. "<<-" observeEvent(input$mybutton,{ env$city <<- c(input$mytext, env$city) updateSelectInput(session, "myselect", choices=env$city, selected=env$city[1]) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
ex> BC Liquor Store data (bcl-data)


library(shiny) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) # ********************************************************************** ---- # * Data ---- # ********************************************************************** --- #bcl <- read.csv("bcl-data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rawDataUrl <- "http://pub.data.gov.bc.ca/datasets/176284/BC_Liquor_Store_Product_Price_List.csv" bcl <- read.csv(rawDataUrl, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) products <- c("BEER", "REFRESHMENT BEVERAGE", "SPIRITS", "WINE") bcl <- dplyr::filter(bcl, PRODUCT_CLASS_NAME %in% products) %>% dplyr::select(PRODUCT_CLASS_NAME, PRODUCT_MINOR_CLASS_NAME, PRODUCT_LONG_NAME, PRODUCT_COUNTRY_ORIGIN_NAME, PRODUCT_ALCOHOL_PERCENT, CURRENT_DISPLAY_PRICE, SWEETNESS_CODE) %>% rename(Type = PRODUCT_CLASS_NAME, Subtype = PRODUCT_MINOR_CLASS_NAME, Name = PRODUCT_LONG_NAME, Country = PRODUCT_COUNTRY_ORIGIN_NAME, Alcohol_Content= PRODUCT_ALCOHOL_PERCENT, Price = CURRENT_DISPLAY_PRICE, Sweetness = SWEETNESS_CODE) bcl$Type <- sub("^REFRESHMENT BEVERAGE$", "REFRESHMENT", bcl$Type) bcl %>% head # ********************************************************************** ---- # * ui ---- # ********************************************************************** --- ui <- fluidPage( sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( sliderInput( "I_sld_price","Price", min=0, max=100, value=c(25, 40), pre="$" ), radioButtons("I_rdo_type", "Product type", choices=c("BEER","REFRESHMENT","SPIRITS","WINE"), selected="BEER"), uiOutput("O_dync_country") ), mainPanel( plotOutput( "O_plot_result"), br(),br(), tableOutput("O_tbl_result") ) ) ) # ********************************************************************** ---- # * Server --- # ********************************************************************** --- server <- function(input, output, session) { react_filteredForCountry <- reactive({ bcl %>% filter( Price >= input$I_sld_price[1], Price <= input$I_sld_price[2], Type == input$I_rdo_type) }) output$O_dync_country <- renderUI({ dd <- react_filteredForCountry() if (!is.null(dd)) { selectInput("I_select_country", "Country", sort(unique(dd$Country)), selected="CANADA") } }) react_filteredFull <- reactive({ if (is.null(input$I_select_country)){ return(react_filteredForCountry()) }else{ bcl %>% filter( Price >= input$I_sld_price[1], Price <= input$I_sld_price[2], Type == input$I_rdo_type, Country == input$I_select_country) } }) output$O_plot_result <- renderPlot({ if (!is.null(react_filteredFull())){ react_filteredFull() %>% ggplot(aes(x=Alcohol_Content)) + geom_histogram(binwidth=0.05) }else{ return() } }) output$O_tbl_result <- renderTable({ react_filteredFull() }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
renderUI sweetalertR
library(sweetalertR) server <- function(input, output, session) { output$sweetalertTrue <- renderUI({ tagList( sweetalert(selector = "#AButton", title = "Are you sure?", text = "Too many Data.", type = "warning", showCancelButton = TRUE, confirmButtonColor = '#DD6B55', confirmButtonText = 'Yes, Load it!', cancelButtonText = "No, cancel!", closeOnConfirm = TRUE, closeOnCancel = FALSE, evalFunction = 'function(isConfirm){ if (isConfirm){ Shiny.onInputChange("loadWarning",Math.random()); } else { swal("Cancelled", "Change date range and try again.", "error"); }}') ) }) } ui <- basicPage( actionButton("AButton", "Load Data"), htmlOutput("sweetalertTrue") #uiOutput("sweetalertTrue") ) shinyApp(ui, server)