Error in tag(“div”, list(…)) : argument is missing, with no default
shiny에서 … Check the UI Comma
line29 마지막의 Comma 를 삭제해야함.
# # load_ui ----------------------------------------------------------------- tabItem(tabName="loadTab", class="active", fluidRow( #` > side ---- column(width=3, box(title="Load Data", width=NULL, collapsible=T ) ), # ` > main ---- tabBox(width=9, title="Info", id="tabLoad", tabPanel(title="Plot", plotOutput(outputId="mainplot", width="100%", brush = brushOpts(id="mainplot_brush",direction = "x", fill = "#ccc"), dblclick = dblclickOpts(id = "mainplot_dbclick"), hover = hoverOpts(id = "mainplot_hover", delay = 0, nullOutside = TRUE) ), #%>% withCustomSpinner() uiOutput(outputId = "mainplot_ToolTip"), sliderInput(inputId="mainplot_dateRange", label="Date Range", width="100%"), fluidRow( column(6), column(3), column(3, actionButton(inputId="refreshPlot", "Refresh plot", width="100%") %>% withBusyIndicatorUI(), fluidRow( column(width = 1, offset = 10, style = "padding: 0;", withBusyIndicatorUI(actionButton(inputId = "heightPluse", label = NULL, icon = icon("plus")))), column(width = 1, style = "padding: 0;", withBusyIndicatorUI(actionButton(inputId = "heightMinus", label = NULL, icon = icon("minus"))))), ) ) ) ) ) )","wrapLines":false,"highlightStart":"29","highlightEnd":"29