shinyboard :: dropdown notifications menu
library(shiny) library(shinyjs) library(shinydashboard) header <- dashboardHeader(dropdownMenuOutput("taskMenu")) sidebar <- dashboardSidebar() body <- dashboardBody(useShinyjs()) ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body) server <- function(input, output, session) { uFunc_memory_info <- function(){ mem <- system("free -g", intern=T) mem <- str_split(mem, pattern = "\\s{2,}" ) mem_all <- as.numeric(mem[[2]][2]) mem_use <- as.numeric(mem[[2]][3]) swap_all <- as.numeric(mem[[3]][2]) swap_use <- as.numeric(mem[[3]][3]) #curr_systime <- system("date +%T", intern=T) descption1 <- str_c("Mem : ",mem_use,"GB/",mem_all,"GB") mem_usage1 <- ((mem_use/mem_all)*100) %>% round(1) if (mem_usage1<25) {bar_color1 <- "blue" } else if (mem_usage1<50) { bar_color1 <-"green" } else if (mem_usage1<75) { bar_color1 <- "red" } else {bar_color1 <- "black"} descption2 <- str_c("Swap : ",swap_use,"GB/",swap_all,"GB" ) mem_usage2 <- ((swap_use/swap_all)*100) %>% round(1) if (mem_usage2<25) {bar_color2 <- "blue" } else if (mem_usage2<50) { bar_color2 <-"green" } else if (mem_usage2<75) { bar_color2 <- "red" } else {bar_color2 <- "black"} taskData1 <- data.frame(text=descption1, value=mem_usage1, color=bar_color1) taskData2 <- data.frame(text=descption2, value=mem_usage2, color=bar_color2) taskData <- rbind(taskData1, taskData2) mem_row <- apply(taskData, 1, function(row) { taskItem(text = row[["text"]], value = row[["value"]], color = row[["color"]]) }) return(mem_row) } r_val <- reactiveValues(tasklist=0) onevent(event="mouseover", id="taskMenu", expr=r_val$task_list<-uFunc_memory_info(), add=FALSE) output$taskMenu <- renderMenu({ dropdownMenu(type = "tasks", headerText="Memory Usage", .list = r_val$task_list) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
## library(shiny) library(shinydashboard) library(googleVis) header <- dashboardHeader( dropdownMenuOutput("messageMenu"), dropdownMenuOutput("notificationMenu"), dropdownMenuOutput("taskMenu") ) sidebar <- dashboardSidebar( sidebarUserPanel("Dave", subtitle = a(href="#", icon("circle", class="text-success"), "Online") ), sidebarMenu( menuItem( "Dashboard", tabName="dashboard", icon=icon("dashboard") ), menuItem( "Widgets", tabName="widgets", icon=icon("th"), badgeLabel="new", badgeColor="green" ) ) ) body <- dashboardBody( tabItems( tabItem(tabName = "dashboard", fluidRow( # infoBoxes with fill=FALSE # A static & Dynamic infoBoxes infoBox("Demand", 10 * 2, icon = icon("line-chart")), infoBoxOutput("progressBox"), infoBoxOutput("approvalBox") ), fluidRow( # infoBoxes with fill=TRUE infoBox("Price", 5 * 2, icon = icon("heart"), fill = TRUE), infoBoxOutput("progressBox2"), infoBoxOutput("approvalBox2") ), fluidRow(# Clicking this will increment the progress amount box(width = 4, actionButton("count", "Increment progress")) ) ), tabItem( tabName = "widgets", fluidRow( box( plotOutput("plot1", height = 250)), box(title = "Controls", sliderInput("slider", "Number of observations:", 1, 100, 50)) ) ) ) ) ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body) server <- function(input, output, session) { set.seed(122) histdata <- rnorm(500) txtdata <- "type from message status color value message 1 message_body danger red 1 notification 2 notification_body warning blue 2 task 3 task_body info yellow 3" menu.df <- read.table(textConnection(txtdata), header = TRUE) closeAllConnections() #partition menu data into message, notification, and task messageData <- subset(menu.df, type=="message") notificationData <- subset(menu.df, type=="notification") taskData <- subset(menu.df, type=="task") output$messageMenu <- renderMenu({ msgs <- apply(messageData, 1, function(row) { messageItem(from = row[["from"]], message = row[["message"]]) }) dropdownMenu(type = "messages", .list = msgs) }) output$notificationMenu <- renderMenu({ nots <- apply(notificationData, 1, function(row) { notificationItem(text = row[["message"]], status = row[["status"]]) }) dropdownMenu(type = "notifications", .list = nots) }) output$taskMenu <- renderMenu({ taks <- apply(taskData, 1, function(row) { taskItem(text = row[["message"]], color = row[["color"]], value = row[["value"]]) }) dropdownMenu(type = "tasks", .list = taks) }) datasetInput <- reactive({ switch( input$dataset, "rock" = rock, "pressure" = pressure, "cars" = cars ) }) output$view <- renderGvis({ gvisScatterChart(dropDownMenus, options = list(width = 400, height = 450)) }) output$plot1 <- renderPlot({ data <- histdata[seq_len(input$slider)] hist(data) }) output$plot2 <- renderPlot({ data <- histdata[seq_len(input$slider)] hist(data) }) output$progressBox <- renderInfoBox({ infoBox( "Progress", paste0(25 + input$count, "%"), icon = icon("list"), color = "purple") }) output$approvalBox <- renderInfoBox({ infoBox("Confidence", "80%", icon = icon("eye-open", lib = "glyphicon"), color = "yellow") }) # Same as above, but with fill=TRUE output$progressBox2 <- renderInfoBox({ infoBox("Managed Spend (mil)", paste0("USD ", 25 + input$count), icon = icon("dollar"), color = "purple", fill = TRUE) }) output$approvalBox2 <- renderInfoBox({ infoBox("Model Performance", "80%", icon = icon("thumbs-up", lib = "glyphicon"), color = "green", fill = TRUE) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)